Literacy Narrative

In a 2.5 to 3-page paper, you will discuss the experiences (or a particular experience) with reading and writing that have (or has) made you the reader and writer that you are today.

For most people, reading and writing are connected, but they may or may not be for you. If there’s a disconnect between reading and writing for you, explore that. Let’s say you love to read but hate to write, think about why that is. If you love reading and love writing, think about perhaps which of those came first and if one influences the other. In order to successfully write this paper, you need to cover all of the following:

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  • What is your relationship with reading and writing (you can look at these separately or together, but you must look at them both)? What experiences and/or people in your life have helped you to develop these relationships?
    • This relationship doesn’t have to be good—it’s absolutely worth thinking about why you feel negatively about something
    • Experiences can be positive or negative and long ones or short ones
    • The people can be anyone who has influenced your literacy
      • Did a basketball coach inspire you to read more about the game? How?
      • Did a teacher scar you for life or inspire you? What happened and why did it matter?
      • Were your parents positive or negative literacy role models? Explain and give examples.
  • After you analyze some of the experiences and relationships with people in your life that have led you to where you are today as a reader and writer, you should have gained what educators like to call “metaknowledge.” Metaknowledge is basically the ability to think about what you already know, so it’s like knowledge about your knowledge. What can you do with this metaknowledge moving forward?
    • What surprised you about this look back into your history and why?
    • Is there a particular person or event that was meaningful (in either a good or bad way) that you hadn’t considered before?
    • How can understanding what brought you where you are today help you in your future reading and writing?
    • After thinking of where you are now, think of where you want to be in the next two years: what goals are most important to you in terms of reading and writing moving forward? What are something you need to do to accomplish those goals?

Some important tips:

  • Don’t try to write a “thesis statement.” They don’t really work for self-reflective essays.
  • Don’t try to avoid saying “I”—this is about you!
  • Don’t try to write chronologically about your first experience all the way to your most recent; instead focus on only a couple of key experiences or people in your life.

Some important requirements:

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