Leadership Development: Case for Analysis 4

Leadership Development: Case for Analysis 4

Environmental Designs International


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Leadership Development: Case for Analysis 4
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Carver was a highly skilled architect responsible for managing a team of designers in Environmental Designs International’s (EDI) Chicago office. Although his abrupt personality had helped him climb the corporate ladder, his intimidating communication style was beginning to create problems and hamper his ability to get results. Carver learned in his performance review that his work relationships were suffering and the complaints about him were increasing. Even his longtime peers were avoiding him as much as possible and finding ways to work around him. Sensitive to the growing animosity toward him, Carver began to reconsider how he interacted with his staff and peers. He felt motivated to begin using some of the tools he learned in the executive education course he recently completed.


  1. “At the senior management level, you get hired for competence. You get fired for personality.” In your opinion, is this statement true or false? How does it relate to Barry Carver and his current leadership style?
  2. Identify the behaviors described in this case that were damaging to Barry Carver’s work relationships. Why would a manager behave this way? What negative consequences did these behaviors have on his peers and subordinates?
  3. How realistic is it that Carver (or anyone) can change his own leadership skills? What kind of help might he need?

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