Help with Speaker report

Part 1 :

double-spaced, one-page report, will discuss the insights gained

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focus on describing the insights I gained during the presentation and how this newly acquired knowledge may affect my future career.

Allyne is a Change Management consultant. She is responsible for embedding Change Management for more than 5,000 employees across the globe in a Fortune 500 company. Allyne will share her personal experience helping her company adapt and innovate in a world of strong uncertainty.

Part 2 :

I hope you enjoyed Allyne’s presentation as much as I did. Allyne shared with us a very raw and honest journey. In her own words, with the good, the bad, and the ugly. All of our journeys will have those three characteristics – hopefully with a lot of good.


Your task in this thread is to predict the good, bad, and the ugly in YOUR journey. What will you do to capitalize from the good? What will you do to overcome the bad and the ugly? ( 75 to 100 words )

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