Strategy maps for Organizational change


The assumption underlying strategy maps in for-profit organizations is that financial outcomes are the end goals that they are striving for and that other objectives within the change program should be aligned to produce and support those desired outcomes. If particular activities and the objectives don’t support the changes, they should be seriously questioned and either dropped or reduced in importance.

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Strategy maps for Organizational change
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Consider a change initiative that you know is currently being researched for adoption, or that you want to have considered for adoption, by an organization with which you are familiar.

Answer the following:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in the third person voice in which you address the four questions above.

Identify the change initiative clearly.

Design a strategy map to illustrate your analysis using Figure 10.3 “Generic Strategy” and Figure 10.4 “Strategy Map for Control Production Systems” as examples from Chapter 10 in Organizational Change.

Include the map in your assignment and explain its components.

Use organizational change terminology consistent with what is used in your text.

Include at least two other sources other than the Organizational Change text to demonstrate research on the design, purpose, and responses to the questions of your strategy map analysis.

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