Professional Commitment Statements

Read pages 168 through 171 in Berman et al and consider what should be included in your own Professional Commitment Statement.

350-word Professional Commitment Statement

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Professional Commitment Statements
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Human Resource Management in Public Service

  • Chapter 3, “Recruitment: From Passive Posting to Social Media Networking”
  • Chapter 4, “Selection: From Civil Service Commissions to Decentralized Decision Making” (pp. 131–175)

Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J., & Van Wart, M. R. (2020).

Regina Hartley: Why the Best Hire Might Not have the Perfect Resume

“Given the choice between a job candidate with a perfect resume and one who has fought through difficulty, human resources executive Regina Hartley always gives the “Scrapper” a chance. As someone who grew up with adversity, Hartley knows that those who flourish in the darkest of spaces are empowered with the grit to persist in an ever-changing workplace” TED 2015

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