Prewriting for Essay

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This prewriting exercise will help you generate some examples and ideas that you will incorporate into Essay 1.

After you have watched the Ted Talk you have selected for Essay 1 and have read the transcript for the Ted Talk, answer the following questions:

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  1. What is the title of the Ted Talk?
  2. What is the speaker‘s name?
  3. Who is the audience that the speaker seems to be appealing to?
  4. What do you think is the purpose of the Ted Talk?
  5. What is the thesis (or main point) of the Ted Talk?
  6. What is an example from the Ted Talk that attempts to persuade the audience?
  7. What rhetorical strategy is used in this example?
  8. What might be the effect of this strategy on the audience?
  9. What is a second example from the Ted Talk that attempts to persuade the audience?
  10. What rhetorical strategy is used in this second example?
  11. What might be the effect of this strategy on the audience?
  12. What is a third example from the Ted Talk that attempts to persuade the audience?
  13. What rhetorical strategy is used in this third example?
  14. What might be the effect of this strategy on the audience?

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