Newton’s Law- PBL

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Newton’s Law- PBL
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You are going to create a presentation over Newton’s three laws, this may be done electronically or on a poster board!  Feel free to be creative and do be unique!  The more different examples we have the better!


Assignment: Create a poster that illustrates an example of each of the three laws of motion.


Part 1- Worth 30 Points

  1. Write out all of Newton’s three laws, make sure they are labeled and easy to read
  2. Create TWO illustrations for each law, you can draw the pictures, use pictures from a magazine or images from the internet
  3. Explain below each illustration how that demonstrates or describe the law.  Make sure you are using complete sentences and your explanation is easy to read.
  4. Include headings to identify which law of motion is being demonstrated. Headings should be attractive, colorful, and easily read.
  5. Make sure you have on display a Title, three headings, six pictures or illustrations, and six explanations.
  6. Include name and class period as well


  30 25 20 15 10 5
Laws of Motion Excellent examples of all three of Newton’s laws of motion are clearly and correctly illustrated and described. All three of Newton’s laws of motion are correctly illustrated and described. All three of Newton’s laws of motion are illustrated and described. Two of Newton’s laws of motion are illustrated or described. One of Newton’s laws of motion are illustrated or described. Attempt at identifying Newton’s laws of motion is made.
Graphics 6 or more clear, color images that show movement are used correctly. 6 clear, color images that show movement are used correctly. 6 images that show movement are used but are unclear or not used correctly. 6 images are used but are unclear or not used correctly. Less than 6 graphics that show movement are attempted. Some graphics are attempted.


Creative title and headings that neatly formed can be easily read from 3 meters away. Title and headings that are neatly formed can be easily read from 3 meters away. Title and headings can be easily read from 2 meters away. Title and headings are present but are sloppy or not easily read from a distance. Missing title or a heading. Some forms of title or headings are attempted.
Explanation Excellent narrative with no obvious grammatical mistakes. Well written narrative with no obvious grammatical mistakes. Well written narrative with 1 or 2 obvious grammatical mistakes. Narrative with 3 or 4 obvious grammatical mistakes. Unclear narrative or more than 4 obvious grammatical mistakes. Some explanation is attempted.
Appearance High quality, colorful, and attractive presentation. Attractive and colorful presentation. Colorful presentation. Presentation has limited color and is missing some requirements Presentation has limited use of color and is not consistent in looking neat and organized Appearance is unattractive, sloppy, and shows little effort



Part 2- Worth 20 Points

  1. One your presentation write out these vocabulary words
    1. Speed
    2. Velocity
    3. Acceleration
    4. Isaac Newton
    5. Unbalanced Force
    6. Balanced Force
    7. Mass
    8. Force
    9. Action
    10. Reaction
  2. For each word you need an image; this can be one you draw, use from a magazine or use from the internet.
  3. Next to the word and image I need a description of how the image and the word go together.


  Points Possible Points Earned
Wrote the word speed, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word velocity, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word acceleration, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word Isaac Newton, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word unbalanced force, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word balanced force, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word mass, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word force, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word action, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  
Wrote the word reaction, have an image and a description of how the image and the word go together 2  


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