Medical Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology.

Write a Research Report on ANY ONE of the following topics: Medical Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology.


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Medical Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology.
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Text book for course: The Future of Technology Management and the Business Environment: Lessons on Innovation, Disruption, and Strategy Execution. Author: Alfred A. Marcus. Pearson FT Press., 2015. ISBN 0133996131.

Course description: This course focuses on the tools and skills needed to evaluate the acceptance and adoption of technology within various types of organizational cultures. The course will show how emerging technologies are identified, how they evolve, and the factors that may encourage or stifle their growth. Students will demonstrate the ability to make sound judgments regarding the selection, adoption, implementation, and evaluation of technologies as they relate to organizational culture, strategy, and objective. Analyze, compare and assess current and future management models utilized in contemporary emerging technology-intensive organizations. Explain how to avoid the pitfalls of emerging technology.

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