ADCN 512 Group Dynamics

Group Proposal Paper Instructions

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in planning a support, psycho-educational, or treatment type of addiction group. Examples of support/psycho-educational groups include drug education groups, substance use prevention, and alcohol and drug education traffic school groups. Examples of treatment groups would include an intensive outpatient group, relapse prevention aftercare group, etc. (For more information on psychoeducational groups, see the Gladding text). You are to follow the directions below to develop a 4-week group.

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ADCN 512 Group Dynamics
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  • Treat the first session as you would a first group session making sure you include the content that should always be covered in the first group meeting including introductions, group guidelines, individual and group goals. Treat your last session as the final session making sure you include the termination content including review of group and individual goals, plans to implement into one’s life what has been learned and feelings about termination. (See the Gladding text for more information on what should be included in the first and last group meeting.)
  • If you decide to use group exercises as part of your group, you may NOT use any exercises from the class. If you use questions, exercises, assigned homework, etc., from an outside source, you must cite the source or it is considered plagiarism.



Save your paper as an Microsoft Word document, under your name and assignment title, (Example: Doe_J_Group_Proposal_Project). Submit your paper to Blackboard on Friday of the module/week due through the “Group Proposal Paper DRAFT” link provided under “Assignments”.  Submission of your paper to Blackboard will also result in your paper being automatically submitted to SafeAssign. SafeAssign is software designed to assist students in writing papers that are free from intentional or unintentional plagiarism.


When you submit your assignment to SafeAssign, it will produce a “similarity” report within 24 hours. Students are responsible for checking their similarity reports within 24 hours. If your safe assign report shows no plagiarism (excluding headings, quotations enclosed in quotation marks, or references), then you may resubmit your paper to the “Group Proposal Paper” link provided under “Assignments”. Note that if you have entire sentences or paragraphs that have a close (60% or more) similarity index to another source, then you have probably plagiarized (intentional or not).  If your safe assign report shows plagiarism you need to correct your paper so that you are writing in your own voice and resubmit your paper by Sunday to the “Group Proposal Paper” link provided under “Assignments” in Blackboard.


If you are not familiar with SafeAssign and how to read the reports go to:   If you are not familiar with what constitutes plagiarism, you will find it outlined in the LU Online Student Honor Code found on the Office of Graduate Student Affairs splash page or your current APA Style manual. A final paper that indicates plagiarism will result in an automatic 0 for the assignment. Additionally, students will be reported for plagiarism to the Graduate Student Affairs office as per policy found in the LU Online Student Honor Code.



Submit your Group Proposal Paper DRAFT by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 7.

Submit your Group Proposal Paper by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.

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