Without counting academic processes

You should summary the information from the article and the video.

1- On p. 27 of the Curtis article, she lists a variety of developmental processes across three stages of adolescence. Without counting “academic processes,” which two processes do you see as having the most impact on your work with teenagers in school settings? Why? What theory/ies discussed in her article or in other readings this week do you think provide you with the best “lens” through which to understand this processes? Generally speaking, do more biological perspectives, intrapersonal (organismic) perspectives, or contextual perspectives seem to help the most?

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2- The YouTube video that you reviewed was produced in 1953, in the middle of the Baby Boom. At the time of this video, younger members of the Silent Generation (approx. 1925-42) would have been teenagers, but Baby Boomers themselves would have been a few years away from adolescence. What do you see here that is similar to the experiences of adolescents today, and what explains this consistency? What is different? What has changed in society since 1953 that you think would explain this difference?

Disclaimer about the video: This video is provided to compare/contrast views of adolescence in the years leading up to the Baby Boom, which was a key time in defining adolescence. The video demonstrates some social attitudes we would consider outdated today its handling of cultural pluralism locally (e.g., diversity in the school portrayed) and globally (e.g., characterization of North African ethnic groups as “primitive.”), its rigidity in gender roles, and its heteronormativity. (You may think about how some of these factors may have had a bearing on adolescents growing up in such an environment.)


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