Watch the video and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph, minimum 8-10 lines.

Q1 to Q6, watch the video and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph, minimum 8-10 lines.

Q7 to Q12, fully and persuasive answer all the questions and you can find some information online. at least 1 paragraph, minimum 8-10 lines.

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Watch the video and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph, minimum 8-10 lines.
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Q.1. Answer fully all of the following questions


Watch the video about “Doctors Explain Why U.S. Healthcare Is So Expensive,” and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph.


Q.2. Answer fully all of the following questions

Watch the video about “Health Care Economics (1) Rising demand for health care” and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph.


Q.3. Answer fully all of the following questions

Watch the video about “How Healthcare Consolidation Benefits Doctors,” and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph. 


Q.4. Answer fully all of the following questions

Watch the video about “Asymmetric Information and Health Insurance,”  and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph.



Q.5. Answer fully all of the following questions

Watch the video about “Why a patient paid a $285 copay for a $40 drug,” and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph.


Q.6. Answer fully all of the following questions

Watch the video about “How is technology changing the healthcare sector?”  and summarize it in at least 1 paragraph.



Q.7. Answer fully all of the following questions

Why do we see the rapid rise in healthcare costs?


Q.8. Answer fully all of the following questions

What factors are contributing to the rising demand for Healthcare in the nation?


Q.9. Answer fully all of the following questions

How do hospitals in the differentiated oligopoly limit competition?


Q.10. Answer fully all of the following questions

How are risk aversion and adverse selection affecting health insurance markets?



Q.11. Answer fully all of the following questions

Do you support strong patents that allow the developers to manufacture their new drug as a monopoly for a limited time? Why? Why Not? Explain using the trade-off between incentive for innovation and affordable prescriptions.


Q.12. Answer fully all of the following questions

How do advances in medical technology and health insurance interact to drive up the cost of medical care?

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