Unit Conversions

Choose one country that you might like to visit. Select a duration for your trip between two and six weeks, and then choose a number of participants between 5 and 10 people. Suppose one goal of your group is to speak to every adult citizen in the country. How many citizens must each missionary need to talk to per day, per hour, and per second to speak to every adult citizen in that country? Is that goal reasonable?

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is required for this DQ. Book references are attached

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Notes from Professor:

Dear class,

The first topic we want to see how we use conversion in the real world. Assume you would like to know what is the best local food in a country so you send out a team to interview local people in that country. You only have a certain budget to stay several weeks. you would like to know how many people your team should interview per day in order to get the best survey result. Moreover, you would like to know how many people your team should interview per hour and per second so you can control the length of interview. <<<—- This is my make up story for this assignment. Otherwise it is a strange assignment, isn’t it? wink

  1. You should read example 1 and its video on page 03-4.
  2. Check out this additional video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRe1mire4Gc
  3. Can you come out a funny story with conversion?

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