Toward a Healthier Mind Controlling Stress

TEXTBOOK: King, The Science of Psychology, 5e King, The Science of Psychology, 5e Laura King, 5e
From Chapter 17 Health Psychology. Read “Toward a Healthier Mind (and body): Controlling Stress.”
From your reading describe how you personally cope with stress.
1. Identify how you use “problem-focused” coping.
Give specific details and examples in sentence and paragraph format.
No lists; numbered or bullet points.
2. Identify how you use “emotion-focused” coping.
Give specific detail and examples in sentence and paragraph format.
No lists; numbered or bullet points.
3. Which one do you use more often? (Everyone uses both.)
4. Explain why.
(Be sure to answer all four bullet points above.)
Worth 25 points if completed correctly and submitted on time.
Your explanation must be at least 200 words using college level writing. Complete sentences in paragraph form.
Writing Rubric for Extra Credit

200 word minimum 5

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Toward a Healthier Mind Controlling Stress
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Proper mechanics 5

(No bullet points, numbering, lists or quotes, proper mechanics, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, complete sentences and paragraphs, in your own words, do not plagiarize)

Problem & emotion-focused explanation 10

Conclusion 5

Total points 25

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