Human resources Discussion

Suppose a company receives orders by e-mail and has employees read the orders and enter data about each one into a spreadsheet for the billing department and a planning system for the production department. Then the employees generate e-mail messages to each customer to acknowledge each order. Would you describe this process as efficient? Why or why not? Suppose the same company wants to use bots to automate these tasks. How should the company go about planning for this change in inputs?

Morgan- I would not describe this companies way of processing orders as efficient. The time and money spent on employees to have to gather the data from an order, enter it into a spreadsheet, and then generate an acknowledgment email could be spent doing other things that would better benefit the company. This process is something that can easily be transferred to a computer-generated system by having bots to be able to automatically do these tasks. Transferring this system to an automated one will require the training of employees to understand and learn the specific software, and how to do their new tasks.

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Human resources Discussion
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