
Length:  5 pages maximum is a documentary that was released as a major motion picture about two entrepreneurs.  It follows their entrepreneurial development.  You can find this movie in the MTSU Library, through various online sources including Amazon, and I have even seen it posted on YouTube.

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The purpose of this report is to examine the entrepreneurship of Kaleil and Tom as they developed and began operation of their entrepreneurial venture,  A key to success in any entrepreneurial initiative is to plan well and control the entrepreneurial process.  Your report over this movie will contain an analysis of the movie highlighting both the successes and failures associated with  Be sure to cover these successes and failures in each of the following areas.


1.    The opportunity

2.    The team

3.    The financing

4.    The organizational structure

5.    The marketing

6.    The business operations


I want you to be sure to give your conclusions concerning both the smart moves and the major pitfalls that contributed to the ultimate failure experienced by  Include what you would have done differently to ensure success.  The majority of your grade will be determined by your concluding analysis.


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