Information technology revolution.

In this component we are going to drill in to defining what is information technology, specifically.

Follow the steps below to complete the discussion.

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Information technology revolution.
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  1. Read, watch, and take notes on each of the following works to get a few different perspectives:
    • Robert D. Atkinson and Daniel D. Castro’s early work on the information technology revolution and why it is happening now, pages 1-10:
    • Michael Wesch’s video:
    • Hilbert Martin’s video:
    • John Markoff’s New York Times article:…
    • Wikipedia:…
    • Peter F. Drucker’s Atlantic opinion piece:…
      1. Create your initial post that will consist of following elements into your initial post for a total of 100 words on your initial post.
        • Based on the above works compose a 30 words definition of information technology.
          • Subtitle: Information Technology Definition
        • Next, in your own words, compose a 30 words definition of information technology revolution.
          • Subtitle: Information Technology Revolution
        • Finally, compose a 40 word self-reflective statement on the ways in which information technology specifically impacts your life on a daily basis.
          • Think and write critically to address in what ways you use it?
          • How it solves challenges you might not otherwise face?
          • What possible risks come with its use?
          • Use at least one example from your own life.
          • Subtitle: Self Reflective Statement
        • Be sure to utilize the subtitles listed above to specifically denote each of the three sections.
          • Submissions that do not include subtitles will not receive full points.
          • Review your post before submitting.
            • Editing is allowed after submitting. Your post should be formatted as shown below.

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