Importance of communications

Explain the importance of communications particularly related to the validation of information.2. Define the terms management, organization and leadership as they pertain to the 21st century.3. Describe major changes in management from 1900 -19504. Explain the importance of the body of work by Peter Drucker5. Describe major changes in management post Peter Drucker (1945-50)

Summarize phases of outcome based strategic planning 2. Describe the phases of the ‘change’ cycle. 3. Describe at least 2 different decision making processes paying attention to the impact on revenue generation4. Describe at least 2 different problem solving methods paying particular attention to conducting ROIs5. Demonstrate an understanding of the effectiveness and efficient of various decision-making processes

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Importance of communications
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Explain the characteristics of the Knowledge Economy – the new organizational cultural issue.2. Describe the various logistically changes in the workplace today.3. Describe the role of intellectual capital as it impacts the work place.4. Intellectual Capital: The new workplace competitive edge

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