Holland Code Career Test.

Complete the Holland Code Career Test. According to this measure, which two or three personal orientations do you score highest in? What careers or work environments are they related to? What concerns do you have about majoring in psychology (or other major)? Are you considering any other majors?


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Discussion Post Requirements:

  • Responses must be well thought out and well written.
  • Responses must include 2+ references to the readings, videos, and/or activities assigned for the week.
  • Responses must focus on both course material and personal reflection.
  • Initial responses must be between 350-500 words and posted no later than Wednesday by 11:59 p.m., responses posted after Wednesday but before discussions close on Saturday will be considered late and assessed a late penalty.
  • Responses to classmates must include at least one (1) substantive peer interactions (i.e. reply to one or more posts by a classmate using 100 or more words in which you offer your own insight or ask probing questions) and posted no later than Saturday by 11:59 p.m. No responses can be posted to the discussion board once it closes.
  • Responses must take place on separate days.
  • Any post that does not include the declaration statement will not be accepted for a grade.
  • Any post that does not include the declaration statement will not be accepted for a grade.

Word count does not include the declaration statement or topic/question re-stated.

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