Art Mediums and Visual Elements

Table of Contents

For this assignment, you will be creating a Visual Diary. Your collection of photos must be of specific (1) *mediums and include a (2) Formal Element analysis.

You may recall the Formal Elements (or Visual Elements) from Discussion 1, Chapter 2: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, chance

The Mediums from Chapter 3: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Fabrics, Needlework, Weaving, Carving, Modeling, Assembling, new technologies, performance, photography, film and video. Under each one of these mediums, there are several specific types of that medium.

1.Once you have a good grasp of what objects are made of (based on the list above), start taking photos! Make sure that you can identify the medium.

2. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a “visual diary” of all you have found.

You will be creating your own “visual diary” or collection of photos (as seen in the examples below). Follow these steps: (1) You will have to take your own photos, (2) arrange them just as you see below. (note: the arrangement can vary in format, square/rectangle/fancy borders)

3. Explain (in text or video) how your images are examples of the mediums and visual element/s that you are describing.

In other words; if you are showing us images with the visual element of line, make sure to describe how the image creates line, etc

Please use the numbered format in your summary including all of the bulleted points under each number.

1. Upload the layout (visual diary)

2. List which mediums and formal elements your diary displays (has to be from the textbooks list)- please list these specifically.

3. A brief description of how the images you are sharing all fit into that medium or formal element.

Please make sure all of these requirements are fulfilled before submitting:

  1. Provide the information in the numbered format above.
  2. CITE sources, if you use them (it is not necessary to use another source other than your text book). Your submission will be scanned through for originality. I will use this data to inform your grade. If you do not cite, it will “appear” that plagiarism is taking place.
  3. Try to limit your Summary to one page.

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Art Mediums and Visual Elements
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