The Critical and Feminist Perspectives


To connect a scenario to critical and feminist perspectives.

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The Critical and Feminist Perspectives
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Refer to ALL of this week’s readings (the Grande novel, Organista, Payne, and Perilla, Serrata, Weinberg, & Lippy) in your initial post and respond to the following:

Identify the factors that you observed in Juana’s or Adelina’s narratives that you can connect to the critical and feminist perspectives discussed in your readings.

Justify your assertions by citing information from your readings and offer specific examples from the novel to illustrate your position.

Include how this information relates to social work practice with Hispanic and Latino clients.

In your responses to your peers, compare and contrast your peers’ identified factors and justification. Where do you agree? Where do you disagree? Why? Is there another perspective?

Grading Notes:

To receive full credit for the assignment, please refer to all of the assigned sources for this week in your initial posts. This allows you to demonstrate that you have read and understood the assigned readings. Cite all sources, including the Grande novel. Please proofread your posts for spelling, grammar, and APA concerns. Points will be deducted for errors in these areas.

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