Discuss health disparities

1. Read and summarize the key points of the articles required for this module. Be sure to include the following: What are the main points of each article? What points, ideas or concepts are present in both articles? What is your definition of cultural competency and how do these articles align with your definition? Discuss health disparities – provide your definition and how the concept of health disparities is used in the articles. *If it is not used in the articles, discuss how the concept with improve the article’s discussion in item #4 below. Discuss cultural sensitivity – provide your definition and how the concept of cultural sensitivity is used in the articles. *If it is not used in the articles, discuss how the concept with improve the article’s discussion in item #4 below. Discuss health literacy – provide your definition and how the concept of health literacy is used in the articles. *If it is not used in the articles, discuss how the concept with improve the article’s discussion in item #4 below. 2. Describe your workplace as a healthcare organization or choose a healthcare organization with which you are familiar. Describe the mission, vision, values and work it does, as well as the population it serves. (This information is also commonly found on the organization’s website). 3. Using the checklist on page 48 of your text, Exhibit 2.1, “Checklist to Facilitate Development of Cultural and Linguistic Competence within Healthcare Organizations”, grade your workplace or the healthcare organization you have chosen. Describe how culturally competent you feel the organization is given the results of the checklist. 4. Recommend changes you would make to this healthcare organization to address areas of cultural competence. The required length for this submission is 3 full pages (minimum), with 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch margins and 12-pt font. The required writing style is APA 7th edition, and must include in-text citations as well as a full reference section (not included in the page count). Feel free to pull in charts, graphs (not included in the page count) or additional articles that may help convey the key points of your discussion.

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Discuss health disparities
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