Policing the Police

Prompt 1

Should we limit the amount of discretion available to law enforcement officers? Why or why not? If we don’t need to limit their discretion, should they be allowed to have more discretion? Why or why not?


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Policing the Police
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  • Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
  • Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.).

Prompt 2

After watching “Policing the Police,” discuss your top three takeaways from the documentary. Meaning, what impacted you the most and why?


  • Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
  • Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.).


Prompt 3

If you were a police chief, what type of policy would you initiate at your department regarding pursuits? Why?


  • Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
  • Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.).

Case Study 3. You don’t need any reference for this case

Assignment Overview

Trust, and more specifically the lack thereof, seems to be one of many issues discussed when examining relations between the police and the public. How can this trust issue be remedied? Or can it? Please note, I recognize that a trust issue this complex will not be remedied anytime soon; however, I would like you to think critically about how this problem can be solved or if it can be solved.


Your assignment submission should be at least one full page in length. Points will be deducted for submissions that are shorter or longer in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.

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