New story reflection

Find a recent news story. BE CAREFUL to make sure that the date of the news story is NO FURTHER BACK THAN AUGUST 3, 2020. I will not accept assignments about older news stories, as I have to assume in that case that you have just re-turned-in someone’s assignmentfrom a previous quarter. Be sure to copy/paste (or capture screen shot) of the first portion of of the news story itself, with the headline and date clearly identifiable, and include that along with your assignment.

It can be any kind of news: “hard news” (e.g., politics, world events); “lifestyle” features (e.g.,stories about college life, parenting, etc.); business, sports, health, etc.

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New story reflection
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Write TWO, double-spaced pages (or a little less or more, as needed), in which you describe how the events or issues that are going on in the news story relate to some specific communication concepts/issues/theories that we have discussed in Comm 1 (lecture or reading). Do not just re-tell/summarize the news story. Describe how the communication topic(s) from lecture/reading are related to the events/behaviors described in the news story. In other words, how does knowing about certain course concepts affect your understanding or interpretation of the story; how do the things that you’ve learned in this class affect how youmake sense of these events in the real world?

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