Homework-2 CON-E 330

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Homework-2 CON-E 330
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Exercises must be presented in a neat, well organized and professional manner as follows:

  • Correct order Show your name at the top of the page.
  • Show your name at the top of the page.
  • The problem statement should include the essence of what is given and what is to be determine, not the question as provided to you. Include figures as appropriate
  • Problem solution presented in a logical, orderly fashion, and enough but brief text (such as headers) to clearly explain the procedure used. All calculations shown separately, including units and conversions; and four decimal places. BOX / or High light your Final Answer.


14th edition of new Book Please no other version.

Chapter-2: 2-7, 2-10, 2-16, 2-20, and 2-23


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