Teams, Accountability, and Managing Interpersonal Conflict, Part I
Canvas Discussion Post #1 (10 points):
Teams, Accountability, and Managing Interpersonal Conflict, Part I
We spend much of our professional careers working in teams with people we did not choose to work with, be it on boards, committees, or task forces. What is the secret to successful teams? Why do teams fail? How do successful teams create a culture of accountability and conflict resolution that less successful teams fail to achieve? Your first two Canvas discussion posts ask you to critically reflect on the findings and insights of academic literature on teams, accountability, and conflict resolution.
Suggested Readings: (Search for articles on the IUB Library Home page and/or Google)
Lynda Gratton, Andreas Voigt, and Tamara Erickson, “Bridging Faultlines in Diverse Teams,” MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer 2007).
Gerry Johnson, George S. Yip, and Manuel Hensmans, “Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation,” MIT Sloan Management Review (2012).
Larry Hirschhorn, “Campaigning for Change,” Harvard Business Review (July 2002).
Discussion Post #1:
In your post, explain the reasons for your opinions/perspectives and justify your ideas with citations where appropriate. Based on the readings and your experience, discuss the following:
• Why do organizations (corporations, etc.) become de facto managed by coalitions, and what are some causes for strategic transformations in the way coalitions change over time? Describe an organization you belonged to (student council, sports team, musical or theatrical troupe) where a coalition set the tone and direction for the organization. What strategies are available to “outsiders” for changing the coalitions of organizations they belong to? (Hint: see “Achieving Successful Strategic Transformations” and “Campaigning for Change).
• What, according to Gratton, Voigt, and Erickson, are common “faultlines” that exist within diverse teams? Describe a time when you experienced a “faultline” that they identify. What advice do they offer business leaders for addressing and managing “faultlines”? (Hint: think about their discussion of “task orientation” and “relationship orientation”)
You must post before you will be able to view comments. Your initial response is due by Sunday evening at 11:59 PM (see the Canvas Assignment due date). You must respond to at least two other students during the following week by asking a probing or clarifying question, expanding on the classmates’ postings, or asking for additional evidence that supports their perspective.

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