Discussion PLOSV 170

The possibility of tyrannies, either from majority or minority groups, is one of the critical concerns surrounding constitutions. Considering its advantages and disadvantages, do you support how the US constitution addresses this problem? Is there any element of how other countries address this problem that you would include?


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Discussion PLOSV 170
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Your postings should be well written and clearly address the issues being discussed. Each writing assignment must: 1) be 250-300 words long; 2) addresses directly the question posed by the instructor and provide a clear answer; 3) provide factual examples and/or referred theoretical arguments that support your argument; these examples and arguments may be drawn from either the assigned readings (excluding the handbooks), the assigned audiovisual material, or footnoted sources researched independently by the student; 4) provide appropriate source citations (plagiarized threads will be penalized).

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