Article Translation and Reflective Analysis


In this assignment, you are invited to translate a scholarly article written for academics in your field of study into the genre of an “open letter” to a targeted, specific audience. This assignment invites you to: • Locate and read a recently published scholarly article on a topic of interest to you in your discipline. Now that you have become familiar with one or more scholarly journal in your field, you will be able to find this kind of article more easily. • “Translate” (rewrite) the article into a new genre (an open letter) addressed to a specific public (non-academic) audience. (PART 1) • Write a reflective analysis about the (re)writing choices you made as you wrote your translation. (PART 2)

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Article Translation and Reflective Analysis
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I will send you the scholarly article that we will do. This is it (

I have attached a document with full detail on the assignment.

Grade proportion: 20% of your final grade.

CONSTRUCT THE GENRE (i.e., WRITE THE LETTER) (1.5-2 pages double-spaced) **the page count does NOT include your/the class identifying information or the reference at the end. At this point, you’re ready to begin constructing or translating the article into the new genre of the letter. The form, structure, and development of your ideas are dependent on the genre AND the audience. What you produce should look like a letter. In other words, make it look real!

WRITE THE REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS (1.5 to 2 pages double-spaced) Once your translation is complete, write a narrative reflective analysis (no bullet points) of the changes you made and WHY. Describe the main changes and offer a rationale for each of your decisions that connects the features of your translation to your larger context and audience. Address such elements as word changes, what you left in, what you left out, what you added, whether you changed the order of the information, language or tone changes, etc. Explain why each change was appropriate for that genre and audience. Your project will be assessed according to its ability to explain in your reflective analysis, in detail, the changes and choices you had to make in the construction of your translated text. For example, if you changed the title of the article, explain what you changed and why your new title or heading is more appropriate for your audience.

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