Cato’s Letters, No. 15 (1721)

Purpose: This learning activity is designed for you to examine the economic, political, religious, cultural and social forces that contributed to the birth of the colonial newspaper (MLO 1). You will discuss the relevance of ideas

Task: Follow the below instructions.

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Cato’s Letters, No. 15 (1721)
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1. Read “Cato’s Letters, No. 15 (1721)” in the From Broadsheet to Broadband book, if you have not yet. (Note: You might need to read this essay a couple of times. It is written in old English that can be difficult to understand upon the first reading.)

2. Identify two ideas from the essay and discuss how the ideas of Cato (combined pen name for Trenchard and Gordon) contributed to the development of the colonial newspaper. Specifically, examine the political, cultural and social influences, among others, that this essay addresses.

3. Post your initial response of approximately 250 words

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