HIV and Viral Hepatitis and Prevention and Care for HIV

Pls write on the below topic and see the rubrics for this assignment. Plagiarism report should be less than 7%

Topic. HIV and Viral Hepatitis and Prevention and Care for HIV and Related Conditions should include other notable information’s including the listed below

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HIV and Viral Hepatitis and Prevention and Care for HIV
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  • Identify the topic and the ANA Official Position
  • Compare and Contrast the position with another federal, national, or global organization on the same or similar position – must show similarities and differences
  • Using QSEN Competencies – Describe how the position supports at least one QSEN competency and relevant KSA’s
  • Analyze the impact of the position on the nursing profession and the broader public – most important section – spend time on this!
  • Discuss how a coach leader would promote this position with novice nurses.

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