Final Business Plan

You have done a tremendous amount of research, planning, and strategizing to complete the key elements of your business plan. Now it is time to pull it all together by writing a one-page executive summary that will pull your three precious assignments together creating the final business plan.

You are now in the final stage of the business plan development. Your goal is to have the plan approved by the executive team in the venture capital group. The business plan is very detailed. However, the executive team is only interested in a ten-minute summation. Therefore, you also must create a compelling executive summary, in which you justify your new product or service venture and how it would benefit the company.

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Final Business Plan
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  1. Write a one-page Executive Summary that you will include at the beginning of your revised business plan.

I will attache the previous three assignments once the tutor is chosen so that you will be able to complete this assignment.

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