Bargaining and Negotiations Submit Assignment

Module 14: Bargaining and Negotiations Exercise

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Bargaining and Negotiations Submit Assignment
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  1. The conditions under which bargaining takes place…





  1. Three conditions for bargaining to take place





  1. Explain and give an example of:
    1. Distributive bargaining


  1. Zero sum situation



  1. Variable sum situation


  1. Integrative Bargaining




  1. (Page 329) Explain what the author means by, “A model of bargaining problem calls for an asymmetric form of analysis and both a normative focus on one’s own behavior and a predictive view of one’s opponent.”




  1. On pages 330 and 331, read and summarize the first paragraphs under the following headings: Breakeven Point, Time Pressure, Cost of No agreement, Multiple Bargaining Interactions.



  1. (Bartos, 1966, 1970) What opening position has a higher probability in failure?


  1. “The best strategy is to give the impression that one is .


  1. Read through, “An Experiment in Distributive Bargaining, starting on pg. 334.


  1. On figure 14.3, what do “contingent” and “non-contingent” mean?




  1. What were the major findings of the study?







  1. In pages 338 – 340 there is a section called “Planning (Seller’s Perspective)” and “Planning (Buyer’s Perspective). I think alternate labels for these could be “Good Things to Know” or “Helpful Tips.”


  1. Write five “Good Things to Know” from the seller’s perspective.









  1. Write five “Good Things to Know” from the buyer’s perspective.



  1. In your opinion, what are the five most important “Hints” of the 21 given on the bottom of page 341/top of page 342? Put them in order, one being the most important.  Why do you feel each of these deserve their ranking?



















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