2 Easy Discussion Boards
Please read the instructions and follow it. I will also provide the readings. You don’t need to read it all, just skim it. Make sure to cite the examples and/or material used from the readings and/or other sources.
Discussion board 1: My personal life example is that I grew up in Peru and during my childhood, since our society didn’t experience kidnapping, etc. my cousins and I used to go out all the time when we were in elementary school and go to the park, store, etc. The park and stores are all in walking distance which is different from the USA. I had more freedom than kids in the USA.
The instructions: Childhood has been described as neither natural or universal but rather it is related to social and cultural processes that occur in a given society. In two full paragraphs please describe what this means. Please incorporate TWO specific examples from the chapters you read followed by ONE specific example from your personal life. In other words, you will need to be concise in your answer providing a concrete description that is supported by three examples that support and justify your response.
Readings (chapter 7&8): https://www-fulcrum-org.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu/epubs/zc77sq52g?locale=en#/6/2[xhtml00000001]!/4/4/1:0
Discussion board 2: Based on the readings from this week’s module, how could you apply what you know about the standard North American family to explain the stigma facing one family form that we will discuss this semester? Please identify one current event or example to support your answer. Do not use an example that I provided. Submit your post below. You are welcome to use any platform that gives you a visual component to your assignment.
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