Work Innovation Network (WIN) and Productive Learning

Work Innovation Network (WIN) and Productive Learning” Please respond to the following:

  • Examine the impact that the Work Innovation Network (WIN) has had on the Knowledge Management (KM) initiative at Hewlett-Packard (HP). Next, give your opinion on the influence of both initiatives on the evolution of organizational learning. Support your response with at least two (2) specific examples of the organizational learning at HP.
  • Outline a plan to teach employees the importance of incorporating productive learning as an improvement in their department, job, process, product, or service. Provide at least two (2) examples of productive learning in your plan.

Intervention and Mapping a Learning Organization” Please respond to the following:

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Work Innovation Network (WIN) and Productive Learning
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  • Read the article titled “Keep Abreast of Human Resources Current Issues”, located at Next, outline a five (5) stage plan of an intervention process for one (1) current issue in Human Resources. Next, justify each stage’s impact on an organization’s OLM designed to address the chosen issue.
  • Using the OLM concepts that you have learned in this course, map the learning in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar, and determine the most significant areas for improvements. Justify your response.

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