Use of polygraph in the hiring processes for police agencies

Here are the two questions that I chose to respond back too. This is the original question. I think the polygraph is an important tool for the hiring process.

Do you think the use of polygraph in the hiring processes for police agencies is an important tool, along with others is effective enough to identify and eliminate unsuitable candidates for employment? 

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Use of polygraph in the hiring processes for police agencies
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Discussion Response 1 (Z)

The hiring process to become a law enforcement officer is a long and deliberately difficult road. The idea is to subject applicants to this difficult process in hopes agencies can weed out the “bad apples” we hear about a lot today. Clearly this system is not perfect no system is, but I think the idea of a deliberately difficult process is very helpful in breaking applicants down into their basic nature and eventually deciding for or against an applicant. I will always remember my father’s process and him telling my family and I the kind of weird questions he had to answer to become a Pennsylvania State Trooper. He mentioned very deep questions about sexual relationships with his own family then a few questions later the interviewer or the test just rephrased and asked the same question.

In terms of the polygraph, I think it is a helpful tool. We already know the process is long and difficult but can be tricked, how many times in an interview have you answered a question only because you knew what they wanted to hear? Think in terms of a person who is a good liar and made it through numerous tests and interviews, even the background check. When it comes time to do the polygraph you can tell a lot about a person even if the results are not conclusive. Combining the results of the test with the administrator’s own intuition and instinct an agency can learn a lot about a person. Overall, I think a polygraph is a valuable tool in the hiring process but I do not believe it should be the end all be all.



Discussion Response 2 (A)

A polygraph test can be effective when it comes to finding out about a person’s personal experiences. It can also help weed out those that do not meet the standards for the employer, the video gave a couple of great examples of questions they may ask in order to see if you meet the standards of the agency that is hiring.  Like their history with drugs, previous employers, or anything specific that’s illegal to be doing in the 1st place. A background investigation is also especially important as well, this kind of investigation will bring up anything that the individual has done in their past that has been put on record.

These methods are helpful to identify and eliminate unsuitable candidates without these tactics policing agencies will hire candidates that are unfit for the job.  All employers don’t’ want to waste time & resources on someone that will not benefit the agency by not being up to par to keep the position or lie about a requirement just to get the job.



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