Theory Application Assignment

Theory Application Assignment and Grading RubricInstructions:Research criminal cases (using internet; your knowledge of local, regional, national, or international cases; or any means to learn about a real case and the details associated with it). The case should have occurred between 2012 and the present.Compose a 300-word (minimum) typed essay discussing:1. A brief overview of the case (include a URL link or reference to the case you chose)2. The criminal theory (pick only one) that you believe best explains or relates to the crime/behavior in the case you selectedInclude a detailed explanation of the theory components and related theory materialDiscuss how the theory fits the case you selected (such as causation, motivation, situational factors, etc.)3. Explain two (2) ways (using the theory) to prevent/deter/address future behavior/crime like the that in the case you selectedThe completed assignment must be uploaded to Canvas as a file by the listed due date/time (no in-class paper submissions are accepted).

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