The Nonverbal Dimension of Communication

Table of Contents

Assignment Overview

Based on Chapter 6: The Nonverbal Dimension of Communication

Nonverbal Communication Field Research

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The Nonverbal Dimension of Communication
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  • Choose one of the observation options below.
  • Observe nonverbal communication between two or more persons.
  • Document your findings in a Word document of approximately 3-5 paragraphs, totaling approximately 400-600 words.

Observation Options


OBSERVATION OPTION 1: Locate yourself in a public place, AT A SAFE SOCIAL DISTANCE, and discreetly observe the nonverbal communication between two persons for approximately 5 minutes.

OBSERVATION OPTION 2: Observe the nonverbal communication between two persons in a scene from a movie or TV show.

Describe the Nonverbal Communication

In a Word document, use relevant terminology from Chapter 6 to describe the nonverbal communication between two persons.

  • What do physical appearance and personal artifacts communicate about each person?
  • Describe the use of kinesics, haptics, and proxemics by each person. What do these communicate as part of the interaction between the persons? What do they say about the nature of the relationship?
  • BONUS: If you can hear the conversation, describe the use of paralanguage and silence. What do these communicate?


Short Response Rubric

Short Response Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper Writing Mechanics

The student has minimum writing errors using language, syntax, punctuation and grammar.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollows Directions of Assignment:

The student completes the assignment as directed.

30.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

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