Leading innovation and organizational change at Zensar

For this assignment, you serve as a business analyst for a company (real or fictitious) in an industry of your choice. Begin by reading the given case study, and then develop a high-level summary of the case. In addition to this, your paper should include the following:

  • How could the change management be handled differently at Zensar?
  • How successful was the implementation of the new technologies?
  • How did the technologies improve economic performance within and outside the organization?
  • What infrastructures supported a culture of innovation?
  • How did the technologies align with supporting a culture of innovation?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

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Leading innovation and organizational change at Zensar
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  • Be four to six pages in length.
  • Be formatted according to APA
  • Include at least four to six scholarly or peer-reviewed articles
  • Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and references page.

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