Lambert-Martin Automotive Case Study Questions

Chapter 3 – Lambert-Martin Automotive Case Study Questions

Read the case study and answer each question independently.

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Lambert-Martin Automotive Case Study Questions
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1. As Arthur Thomas, what issues would you raise with the group vice presidents during your meetings? What questions would you ask them?
2. What is your assessment of the organizational structure at Lambert-Martin? What changes might you explore and data would you need as part of your analysis?
3. Do you think it is reasonable for Arthur to maintain his current position as vice president of global purchasing, Engine Systems Group, and add the corporate CPO title?
4. To what extent do you see the company’s purchasing processes as too bureaucratic and/or slow?
5. How can the purchasing department at five groups at Lambert-Martin work effectively together to leverage our corporate spend and sustain best practices?

Chapter 4 – Supply Processes & Technology

1. What is an innovative product that you would manufacture that will fit the current market needs?

2. What are the bill of materials required to develop this product?

3. What are the key supply steps to procure the bill of materials, components, and related services to develop the product?

Develop a product idea and address the above questions accordingly with a minimum word count of 150 words

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