
Intersectionality has risen to popularity in both academic and non-academic contexts, becoming a buzzword on University Campuses and press conferences alike. In the wake of Black Lives Matter and the Me Too era, corporations (and content producers) across America are scrambling to share their diversity initiatives in an effort to keep customer loyalty. But what does real intersectionality in our media look like?

First, I want you to think about intersectionality more broadly –

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To what extent do you think it’s important to acknowledge the variety of influences on our cultural identity? To what extent do you think it’s possible to isolate just one element – gender, race, class, age, ability, citizenship – for study? What is lost or gained by doing so?

Then, in regards to this week’s readings and screenings –

Examine the roles of women in each of the television episodes screened this week. Are any of the women represented as subordinate in ability to men? Describe those who are. Describe the physical characteristics of the women and men. How do they interact with one another in work and/or personal relationships? When the women speak, who are they speaking to or about?

you need to read and reference the attached reading.

also you need to watch both to use them in answering the question:

  • WATCH: Will and Grace, “Pilot” (NBC, 1998; 30 min)
  • WATCH: One Day at a Time, “Quinces” (Netflix, 2017; 30 min)

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