Database – Entity Relation Model

You have been asked to design a database for Professional Baseball. Your diagram must contain all the tables needed to meet the business rules below. For each table, you must show the primary keys, the relationships to other tables, cardinality and if there is total or partial participation between the entities. Your diagram should also include any attributes included in the business rules properly diagramed. All the information you need will be in slides 1 thru 29 of the Chapter 7 presentation. The database is to contain the following:

  1. A record for each person who was either a player or a manager for any of the teams that contains the basic information about the person such as name, address, etc…. There needs to be key created to link all the information regarding a particular player and the year the information pertains to.
  2. Batting information is also stored for each person. Professional Baseball reports on batting information by person, team and league. Person information is reported by year and should also be also to be reported on by team and league over their entire professional career.
  3. Each player plays for a team and may play for more than 1 team in a given year.
  4. Each Team belongs to a League
  5. Each Team has their own Stadium or Ball Park they play in. Over time, teams move to new stadiums. The database needs to keep track of when a team played in which stadium
  6. The database needs to track how much everyone is paid every year. Professional Baseball also produces salary information by team and league.
  7. Professional Baseball gives out awards each year. Sometimes the awards are shared between to people. For example, if 2 players had the same batting average and it was the highest in the league for the year, they would both be given the award for best batter.
  8. Professional Baseball has a Hall of Fame. Each year, sports writers nominate the people to be added to the Hall of Fame and on July 7th there is a vote to determine who out of the nominated will be added for the year. The database must track who is nominated each year and also store the year they are elected.
  9. The database should keep repetitive information to a minimum. Use IDs where possible rather than storing the full information. IDs be part of the table that contains the full information for reporting.

Your submission should use either Crow’s Foot notation or the modified Crow’s Foot utilized in the text. The submission should show the required tables, keys (you can define the attributes), attributes as indicated, cardinality, participation and the relationships between the tables.

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Database – Entity Relation Model
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