Collect job analysis data

In Chapter 4, you learned that O*Net ( is one tool that can be used by HR professionals to collect job analysis data. It can also be helpful for job candidates, as it is a great way to explore various occupations, prepare for interviews, etc. Visit the O*Net site and conduct a search of an occupation that interests you, by using the quick search feature in the top right. Note that O*Net is a database of occupational information, so if you search a very specific/unique job title, you may not find an exact match, but you should find a general match. After reviewing the details for your chosen occupation, report your findings of the following:

  1. What are some of the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities needed for the job you plan to pursue?
  2. Based on the details presented via O*Net, as well as what you have learned from other sources, what will you need to succeed in that position?
  3. Based on your findings, as well as your current skills and knowledge, which areas do you think you need to develop the most to be a competitive job candidate?

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Collect job analysis data
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