CMIT 495 Project 3, SDN and IBN Assignment.
Software-defined networking (SDN) and intent-based networking (IBN) offer an ability to revolutionize the modern network architecture. Both of these concepts are relatively new, and your chief technology officer (CTO) has only heard them in passing. In fact, she pawned them off as the new “marketing fad” dressed up as a new concept. Since you have researched both technologies, you understand this is not a fad. When used in combination with virtualization and cloud computing, you know SDN and IBN could revolutionize how the organization operates, providing for reduced costs, efficiency, better management of the network assets, and security.
However, you need to develop a white paper for the Caduceus CTO to highlight these benefits. Given the CTO has only heard the term in passing, you must describe in this white paper, the SDN and IBN concepts, their benefits, and what it would take for the organization to implement. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get Your Custom Essay on
CMIT 495 Project 3, SDN and IBN Assignment.
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Writing Your PaperAfter you introduce yourself to your team and brainstorm ideas for this assignment, refer to the SDN and IBN Assignment Resources for more details about Caduceus and download the assignment template. In your white paper, use additional sources of information but also describe the concept in layman’s terms. Use visuals where appropriate. Describe how an SDN/IBN architecture would look different than network architectures we have traditionally deployed. Compare and contrast the network architectures and discuss the pros and cons of each. The paper should include the following sections:
Submitting Your WorkDownload the assignment template cover page and complete your white paper.
When complete, export your file as a PDF |
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