The Laundromat Project

Write Essay:

Using your academic source/s you will write and submit your essay to the Writing Lab.

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The Laundromat Project
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Here are the specifics for your essay.

  1. Introduction Paragraph with Thesis Statement as the last sentence in this paragraph
  2. Essay Body: Supporting Arguments to prove your thesis statement
  • 3+ paragraphs with 500-900 word count
  • use at least 2 in-text citations (ideally 3) with supporting evidence from your stage ‘B’ approved academic/scholarly(textbook or library journal article source/s and properly document with any necessary quotation marks (these 2 may not be used for definitions, dates, nor artwork reference only)) Supporting information= some part of your connection and/or contribution (for example evidence supporting why a societal contribution in this area is needed, some visual art which would meet this need in some way, evidence to support the connection itself, etc.
  • include visual artist born after 1900.
  • Add an Artwork Title in correct MLA for extra credit (do not attach or include the actual images of the artwork!)
  1. Conclusion (3+ sentences) Take a summary sentence from each of the body paragraph as it directly relates to your thesis
  2. Works Cited – MLA formatted list of sources used within essay

a. Grammar and Spelling Count. 1″ Margins, Double Spaced, Times Roman 12pt, correct document type of rtf or doc only

MLA Formatting of In-Text Citations –a grade may not be earned without proper in-text citations and documentation
MLA Formatting for all sources used on the Works Cited page -a grade will not be earned without a proper Works Cited page

  • Use MLA 2016 8th edition with both URL and Accessed date for Library database or any instructor approved website. {see example essay}

Note: Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word 365 (download free software at, LibreOffice (download free software at, or other per course requirements. Save your file as a .rtf file or .docOnly -to ensure that it can be opened at any computer. Other document types will not be accepted, and could result in earning 0 points.

Topic: The visual arts are closely related to the professional field of general education. Teaching the visual arts can help develop skills, creativity, and the ability to persist in criticism. The local community, the Laundromat Project, offers low-income people of color a chance to learn and make art together, thus, strengthening the communities. Visual arts are really helpful to communities because creativity is a core part of healthy humans, vibrant communities, and a prosperous economy.

Artist: Jacob Lawrence

Source: Powell, Richard J. “Jacob Lawrence: Keep on Movin’.” American Art, vol. 15, no. 1, 2001, pp. 90–93. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Aug. 2020.

The Local community: The Laundromat Project

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