Reenvisioning the Educational System

Watch the following fascinating perspectives on education:

The Era of Online Learning | Niema Moshiri | TEDxUCSD

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Reenvisioning the Educational System
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Bill Gates: how online courses can radically improve education by 2030

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Respond to the following items in 2-3 well-written paragraphs. Once you have responded, read and respond to the ideas of at least 2 of your classmates during the week. Refer to the syllabus for guidelines on discussion participation.

  1. Summarize three main points you took away from these videos.
  2. Given what you have learned this week about the social sciences, education, and the transformative effect of technology on learning and development, propose an educational model for the future. What do you think should stay the same, what should change, and what role does technology play in helping to implement your model? What are the potential consequences (positive and negative) of the changes you propose?

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