Project management book questions

Responses must be substantive and fully address the topic. This may include text, formulas or charts. Assignment length (each chapter) will vary from one to two pages depending on the required response.

Only use the book for reference. no outside sources.

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Project management book questions
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Please submit your responses in APA format via a word document. You need to only be using this if you cannot put in your own words

Each chapter needs to be in a separate word document.

Ch. 6, pp. 232, DQ 6.4, 6.7, and 6.9.(3 questions)

Ch. 7, pp. 262, DQ 7.2 & 7.7 (2 questions)

Ch. 8, pp. 300, DQ 8.3 and 8.11. and Ch. 8, pp. 300, Problem 8.16. (3 questions)

Ch. 9, pp. 343, DQ 9.16 (1 q.)

Ch. 10, pp. 377, DQ 10.2 & 10.6. (2 q. )

Ch. 12, pp. 445, Problems 12.14 & 12.15 only. Note that is a multi-part problem (4 questions)

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