Perceptions of candidate traits

Once you have investigated the research questions and decided which one you want to pursue, write the 2-page research topic proposal essay or memo to your instructor in which you include the following elements:

  1. Re-state the research question that you want to pursue;
  2. Explain why the question interests you;
  3. List at least 5 things you already know about the topics-;
  4. List at least 5 things you need to find out about the topic and
  5. State what your proposed thesis or position statement will be on that topic.

Your thesis must take a position on the research question that you select based not on personal experience, but rather on what you know or learn about your topic from Googling it in Google Scholar or from readings in the classroom’s Course Resources. Be sure to include APA citations and an APA Reference page in your paper.

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Perceptions of candidate traits
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