Classical Argument Position Annotated Bibliography

PART 1: SUBJECT: Topic: Should people on welfare be required to submit to drug testing?

prepare 7 annotated bibliography using current APA documentation style. The assignment consists of a list of sources and an annotation for each source. These sources should correspond with the topic you choose for your Classical Argument Position paper.

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Classical Argument Position Annotated Bibliography
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The list of sources must contain:

  • The subject of your research, stated at the top of the page.
  • Seven sources of information about your subject, including:
  • All sources correctly documented in current APA style.
  • Double-spacing throughout entire annotated bibliography.

Special note: Wikipedia or other encyclopedias are not acceptable sources for scholarly work. Do not use Wikipedia or any encyclopedia as sources for this or any academic assignment.

The annotation for each source must contain:

  • A short, objective summary (1-3 sentences) of the information found in the source.
  • An evaluation of the source’s credibility, reliability, currency, possible bias, and usefulness with respect to your topic (2-3 sentences).

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