Advanced Essential Business Concepts

Discussion Board Requirements

Week 1 Discussion Questions

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Advanced Essential Business Concepts
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Do you think the variance in leadership styles of such people as Adolf Hitler, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King, Jr. can be explained by any of the theories discussed in this week’s readings?Elaborate on your answer with academic research from our library. Cite your sources and justify your stance.


Textbook 1: Anybody’s Business (no code needed)

Syckle and TietjePearson/Prentice Hall 2014

ISBN 13: 9780136086345

Textbook 2: Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016: Introductory, 1st Edition

Beskeen, Cram , Duffy, Friedrichsen, and Reding

Cengage 2017 ISBN: 9781337250757

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition

American Psychological AssociationISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

Complete the following readings:

Textbook 1: Chapters 6-8: Leadership Vision (Note: Complete the “Do it” exercises throughout the chapters to reinforce your learning.Be prepared to show evidence that you completed these exercises.)

“The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,” by Milton Friedman

“Is Business Bluffing Ethical?” by Albert Carr (…

“A Framework for Thinking Ethically” (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics:…

“Thinking Ethically: A Framework for Moral Decision Making” (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics:…

“How to Identify an Ethical Issue” (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics: Note:read about all the ethics tests listed on menu to left:smell test, utility test, rights test, extra slack text, choices text, justice text, common good test, character/virtue test, compare test conclusions

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