Lab homework on Ecological relationships

Refer to the graph in Figure 1.

a. What does the y axis on the left represent?

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Lab homework on Ecological relationships
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b. What does the y axis on the right represent?

2. What was the approximate population of monk seals in 2001?

3. What was the approximate population of sharks in 2001?

4. When the number of monk seals is high, what happens to the number of sharks? Use the data from the graph to support your observation.

5. What happens to the population of sharks as the number of monk seals decreases? Use the data from the graph to support your observation.

6. Propose an explanation for the apparent cause and effect relationship between the populations of sharks and monk seals.

7. What does this information tell you

a. about the effect of size of prey populations on the number of predators?

b. about the effect of predators on the populations of their prey?

8. What other factor would influence the size of the monk sealpopulation in addition to the size of the population of sharks?

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