Economics Discussion

Think about a product or service you have recently purchased that originated from a company whose Mission includes a focus on sustainability or social impact. In other words, a company that “does well by doing good.” Then respond to the prompts below:

  • What was the name of the company and what did you purchase?
  • Why did you choose to purchase that particular product or service?
  • Did the company’s position on sustainability or social impact influence your purchase decision?
  • Compared to its competitors in the industry, how was the product priced?
  • Would you purchase the product in the future? Why or why not?
  • How is this company performing in their sector? Are they able to compete and stay true to their Mission?


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  • What was the name of the company and what did you purchase? The company I chose is Mission BBQ. I bought BBQ dinner for the family.


  • Why did you choose to purchase that particular product or service? I chose the BBQ because it was what the family had a taste for, and I know their mission. Mission BBQ has been around since 2011, and the founders are two military veterans looking to serve those who served and defended the country.


Did the company’s position on sustainability or social impact influence your purchase decision?

  • Yes, their mission on sustainability and social impact was a big reason I chose Mission BBQ. A Unilever study found that 33 percent of consumers want to buy from brands “doing social or environmental good,” creating an untapped opportunity in the market for sustainable goods. This act goes to show people care about how companies give back. I worked with them through my military fraternity Kappa Lambda Chi. Mission BBQ gives a lot back to the community they are serving. I have served the homeless food donated by Mission BBQ to help feed those in need.
  • Compared to its competitors in the industry, how was the product priced? Mission BBQ’s food is very well priced compared to other BBQ vendors in the area. I compared them to another BBQ company here in Riverview (Willie Jewell’s BBQ), and their prices were lower in comparison. Willie Jewell’s doesn’t appear to be a sustainable or socially impactful company based on what I read on their website
  • Would you purchase the product in the future? Why or why not? Yes, I would buy food from Mission BBQ in the future. I like the quality of their food and the mission of their company.


  • How is this company performing in their sector? Are they able to compete and stay true to their Mission? This company is performing very well within their industry. During the pandemic, they have continued adding new restaurants, and they look to hire veterans to give back to the community in which they served side-by-side.



  • What was the name of the company and what did you purchase?
    • The Great Harvest Bread Company (1).
    • I purchased whole-grain pancake mix, approx. 1 lb. ($5.65) and a loaf of Hi 5 Fiber bread, which I had then slice for me ($7.80).
  • Why did you choose to purchase that particular product or service? I have been having issues with hypertension. My doctor recently told me to drastically cut down on my sodium intake. One thing I am able to safely eat is fresh baked bread. I went searching for a local bakery last weekend for some healthy options. I had done business with this company when I was responsible for making the catering orders for work (pre-COVID-19). They were always good to work with and the food was exceptionally good.
  • Did the company’s position on sustainability or social impact influence your purchase decision? Yes, I like what they stand for. I felt better about patronizing them over some of the other bakeries in the area. Their mission statement is “Be loose and have fun. Run fast to serve others. And give generously.” One thing that stood out for me is that they donate food to a local food bank. That is something that I believe restaurants (except McDonald’s and the like) should do. Not much bothers me more than restaurants throwing food away instead of donating it to shelters and food banks.
  • Compared to its competitors in the industry, how was the product priced? It is a little bit higher but worth it the extra dollars to help improve my health and to help support their community involvement.
  • Would you purchase the product in the future? Why or why not? Yes, I will purchase from them again. I was very satisfied with my purchases. I make waffles almost every weekend (yes, every). The mix made great waffles. I put the bread in the freezer and it thaws well. It tastes as fresh as the day I bought it. I don’t have a valid reason to not shop with them again.
  • How is this company performing in their sector? Are they able to compete and stay true to their Mission? The owners just retired after running the business for 13 years. They are working with the new owners to successfully transition. The message below is on the bakery’s Facebook page which links to their website (3) and on August 2nd. I believe this excerpt from their message attests to their success and how they have lived into their mission.

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